Friday 4 October 2013

Milkysnugz Sell Out at The Baby and Toddler Show

Hey lovelies,
Let’s start by saying a big hello to our new followers!
We hope you’ve all been keeping well.
As you will know we exhibited at The Baby and Toddler Show in Manchester over the weekend just gone (27-29th September), which saw over 12,000 consumers. It was definitely one of our favourite shows. The feedback and support received from consumers was amazing, not to mention that we had a stock sell out! We sold over a whopping 500 Milkysnugz! – Hope you all love them
All the team had a fab time meeting everyone and introducing Milkysnugz. We had consumers who came especially to the show just to meet Milkysnugz. The best question asked by a consumer was “why is there a hole in its head?” she had never seen anything like it and ended up buying two Milkysnugz.
There were a lot of parents who bought Milkysnugz because their babies wouldn’t take a bottle and other consumers who were looking for something ‘different’ to buy as gifts. We’d like to say a very big thank you to those who stopped by at our stand.

If you met us at the show let us know what you thought of Milkysnugz. Or if you bought Milkysnugz for your little ones, send us a picture of them with their Milkysnugz- we’d love to see them!
Also, we have something really exciting happening in a few weeks’ time so do keep an eye on our page!


Tuesday 20 August 2013

Meet the Milkysnugz

If you don’t already know the adorable Milkysnugz characters, you’re at the right place now.

So, there Benji the Bear, who is kind and generous, he gives big fluffy bear hugs,  loves to eat spaghetti and likes watching the clouds go by.

There’s Dash the Dog who loves playing games, runs around all day, snuggles up all night long and likes to fetch bouncy balls.

Humphrey the Hippo who has a big heart, he loves to share everything, he has a big cuddly tummy and loves fluffy blankets.

Elliot the Elephant is the wisest of the Milkysnugz, he loves to protect babies with his trunk, enjoys night time cuddles and he likes to splash around at bath-time.

Rosie the Rabbit loves telling her jokes; she likes to laugh, loves snuggling under the duvet and likes anything with carrots in it.

And lastly, there’s Mason the Mouse who snuggles and warms your baby up, he nibbles cheese sandwiches, loves to wake up to a cuddle and loves to ride around in toy cars.

So there you have it, the cute Milkysnugz characters. Tell us which one is your favourite out of the six J

Thursday 15 August 2013

Nursery Industry Awards 2013

It’s here, the voting for The Nursery Industry Awards 2013 are now open!

If you’re a retailer, stockist, or anyone within the industry YOU can vote for Milkysnugz to win ‘Best New Product’!  Simply click here and fill out the short form- it will only take 10 seconds, promise! 

Unlike other comforters in the market, Milkysnugz serve more than just a comforting purpose. They have proven to aid breast to bottle transition, help develop baby’s fine motor skills and aid independent feeding. 

Having only been in the market for a short period of time, we have been inundated with brilliant customer and industry feedback. We have also won numerous awards and we’re hoping to add this prestigious award to our list too!

Voting closes on 16th September 2013. Remember, you’re vote counts!

Thank you! J

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Guest Post: Viccy shares her breast and bottle feeding experiences

I've been asked by the lovely people at Milkysnugz to guest-blog and to chat about my personal experience of breast & bottle feeding.

I'm mum to Tristan (4) and Scarlett (17-months old), and I always intended to breast feed. They always say 'breast is best' and I truly wanted to give my new-born’s a good nutritional start in life. Unfortunately, it was not to be. This is my story....

I was pregnant with Tristan during my husband's 3-year secondment to Germany. After a reasonably easy pregnancy, Tristan made his arrival at a German hospital two weeks early at 8lbs 11oz. Tristan was a good suckler and I was producing milk for him quite easily, but when he was two weeks old I developed awful pain in my nipples. After a few painful days and nights, my husband and I decided to start formula feeding to give my boobs an opportunity to recover. But seeing my husband relish every opportunity to lovingly feed and bond with his first born made it hard to go back to breast and it just never happened.

After Tristan, I was strongly motivated to try again with baby number two. After an exhausting second pregnancy (borderline gestational diabetes, borderline anaemic, dizziness, constant nausea, near-fainting, followed by catching a nasty vomiting bug at 7-months pregnant), Scarlett decided to make her arrival a whole month early at 7lbs exactly! Being premature via a c-section took its toll on breastfeeding: I was weak and in pain from the surgery, and Scarlett was required to stay in a heated incubator due to her low body temperature. Scarlett was struggling to suckle and couldn't latch on very well (a minor tongue tie didn't help either). The nurses were cup-feeding her (feeding her with a little plastic cup, similar in size to a shot glass, and slowly tipping the formula milk into her mouth), while I tried the hospital's expressing machine. Frustratingly, I was producing only a few mere drops. The nurses kept cup-feeding Scarlett for around 48 hours after her birth, whilst I tried again and again with the expressing machine. But a few drops become nothing - an empty bottle. After an emotional and lengthy chat with the friendly ward nurse, I decided Scarlett needed to go onto formula milk via a bottle as she was getting hungry.  Thankfully, Scarlett took to both a plastic teet and formula milk without any problems, but if and when we have baby number three, I will try again with breastfeeding.

My advice for every mummy-to-be is to do their research during pregnancy, and after the birth to ask the ward nurses questions and for their help (or midwife/health visitor if home-birth or after being discharged from hospital). They are busy, but they are there to help all the new-borns and the mothers. I wish I researched into breast milk donation as this would have been a decent option with Scarlett.

It's really disheartening when people are critical of those who don't breast feed, but everyone needs to realise it's not always possible or easy. It's a fine balance between what is best for your new baby AND for yourself.

Just like child-birth where not everyone has their desired birthing plan (I certainly didn't, but that's another story for another day)'s the same for feeding your baby. I now have two healthy cheeky little toddlers, with my eldest about to start school in September! 

You can read more about our family and our adventures, on our family lifestyle blog at, follow me on Twitter: @JellyRoseYate and Like on Facebook: /JellyRoseYate 

Monday 12 August 2013

And the nominations are...

Only four weeks after our launch back in 2012 we won ‘Highly Commended’ under the category of 'Feeding, Cleaning and Changing' at the BANTA Awards 2012- completely shocked us seen as we had only being on the market for four weeks.

Later on during our journey we won the Bronze BizzieBaby Award 2012- we love working with the BizzieBaby ladies.

Very recently in July 2013, we were endorsed by the one and only Dragons Den, tycoon, Mr Theo Paphitis. We won his #SBS on Twitter where he awards his favourite six business with the SBS hash tag and puts his name against them. You can read more about the Milkysnugz journey and the win on and our news piece in the Eastern Eye Newspaper

Coming up are The Nursery Industry Awards 2013 and guess who’s been nominated for the ‘Best New Product’ award?? Yes, that right, its Milkysnugz!! – YAY. The voting starts this week on Thursday 15th August and we’d love to have all our fans support.

Sunday 11 August 2013

Milkysnugz to the Rescue!

Hey everyone!

Hope you’re all having a fab weekend J

So, they say breast is best and we don’t doubt that at all, but sometimes unexpected situations come up where we have to introduce our babies to the bottle. It's not easy to get your baby to drink straight from a bottle after being used to the breast.

Here's an example of a breastfed baby who struggled to take a bottle for seven months.

When we first launched Milkysnugz at the London Excel Baby Show 2012, we had a lady pop over to our stand. She was soon due to go to hospital for an operation but her seven month old son (at the time), Edward (in the picture on the left), who was a breastfed baby from birth, would not take feeds from the bottle, which meant the operation had to be delayed. 

The lady bought Humphrey the Hippo after it caught Edward’s eye and she thought she was pretty much throwing away £15. That evening Milkysnugz had proved her differently! After seven months of rejecting the bottle and then being introduced to a cute and loving Milkysnugz friend, Edward took a full feed through a bottle with the use of Humphrey the Hippo- Well done Edward!!

To read the full story ‘7 months of struggling to get a breastfed baby to take a bottle’ please visit -

We definitely recommend all parents try Milkysnugz if you have any problems with breast or bottle feeding.

Let us know the challenges you have experienced when it comes to feeding time. If you'd like to share your stories and want to feature on a guest post please send us an email to We'd love to hear from you J

Thursday 8 August 2013

Come and say hello to us

Hello lovelies!

It’s just a quick one for today.

Which one of you gets bored and ends up on YouTube watching random videos? Or has a look at what’s going down on Twitter or who’s saying what on Facebook? If this sounds like you then you need to check out the latest Milkysnugz Videos, tweets and posts.

If you’re not following us then sorry, but you’re missing out. Get clicking the follow, like and subscribe buttons and drop by to say hello to us- we don’t bite! J

Monday 5 August 2013

Welcome to Milkysnugz

A big hello to all our lovely supporters!

We hope you are enjoying the summer and your little ones are keeping you busy.

We thought we'd try out something different- we’re new to blogging!

The Milkysnugz blog will keep everyone up to date with our journey. What’s even better is that you can all contribute to the blog too as we will have guest bloggers- you can talk about anything baby and toddler related. That’s not all; we know you all love a competition J so keep your eye out on our blog for competitions, the latest Milkysnugz news, pictures, videos and much more.

So, where are we now in the Milkysnugz journey I hear you asking? We’ve recently been endorsed by the one and only Dragons Den star, Theo Paphitis by winning his Small Business Sunday, also known as #SBS on Twitter. You can now find us being stocked across Liverpool, Manchester and Yorkshire. We’ll be traveling further out very soon!

That’s not everything that’s been happening in the Milkysnugz tower. Guess who’s been nominated for the ‘Best New Product’ by The Nursery Industry Awards 2013? Yep, it’s us! We hope we win! Keep your fingers, toes and everything else crossed for us.

If you haven't already, please like us on Facebook: /Milkysnugz, follow us on Twitter: @Milkysnugz and subscribe to our YouTube channel: MilkysnugzTV 

We hope you enjoy our blog and we'll be back with another post sooner than you think- spread the news to your friends, family, neighbours, anyone you can think of J
