Friday 4 October 2013

Milkysnugz Sell Out at The Baby and Toddler Show

Hey lovelies,
Let’s start by saying a big hello to our new followers!
We hope you’ve all been keeping well.
As you will know we exhibited at The Baby and Toddler Show in Manchester over the weekend just gone (27-29th September), which saw over 12,000 consumers. It was definitely one of our favourite shows. The feedback and support received from consumers was amazing, not to mention that we had a stock sell out! We sold over a whopping 500 Milkysnugz! – Hope you all love them
All the team had a fab time meeting everyone and introducing Milkysnugz. We had consumers who came especially to the show just to meet Milkysnugz. The best question asked by a consumer was “why is there a hole in its head?” she had never seen anything like it and ended up buying two Milkysnugz.
There were a lot of parents who bought Milkysnugz because their babies wouldn’t take a bottle and other consumers who were looking for something ‘different’ to buy as gifts. We’d like to say a very big thank you to those who stopped by at our stand.

If you met us at the show let us know what you thought of Milkysnugz. Or if you bought Milkysnugz for your little ones, send us a picture of them with their Milkysnugz- we’d love to see them!
Also, we have something really exciting happening in a few weeks’ time so do keep an eye on our page!
